via: Pexels / Jonathan Borba
Today, I'll tell you 5 psychological facts about men you need to know and keep in mind.
Men are hard to read. Most of the time, they seem to come from a wholly different planet. As a relationship expert, I've written several articles focusing on communication and commitment.
In my years of expertise, I've come to connect to thousands of individuals and found out facts that'll help you understand the male species better.
Ready? Let's dive in.
5 Psychological Facts About Men

via: Unsplash / Jonathan Borba
If you want to learn how to attract men effectively, these facts about boys will be very useful. And since we were hoping you could get your target's attention, we'll also tell you the one SURPRISING MYTH about men that you should stop believing.
Let's get into it!
5. Men Can Get More Lonely Than Women.

via: Unsplash / Jessica Rockowitz
No one likes the feeling of being lonely. Loneliness affects everyone, no doubt because it takes a toll on our mental health—no matter our health and brain condition. However, studies show that men are more vulnerable to the feeling of loneliness.
This fact comes from a clinical psychologist, Dr. Louann Brizendine. She said that men tend to reach out less than women. Their lack of connectedness makes the feeling of loneliness more magnified than it is. This loneliness takes a toll on the social circuits of men's brains. You can learn how to get a guy you like by knowing this information.
That's right. Various studies show that living with women is particularly beneficial for men. Men in stable and happy relationships are more healthy and have lower levels of hormones that cause anxiety. This fact also means they can live longer when they live with women!
If you're looking for psychological facts to impress and flirt with a guy, then this is the best one to start with. He'll think he needs to be with you.
4. Interested Men Will Compete for Your Attention.

via: Unsplash / André Luís Rocha
This one is one of my favorite facts about boys because I can assure you that it's true. This one is a great way to know the answer to the question, "Is he into you?"
When a guy seems to love to compete for your attention, then he's into you, alright. Believe it or not, younger men love to one-up each other. If there's a woman they like, they'll do everything they can to compete with other guys vying for your attention.
Historically, men have always competed for status and relationships while they're young and thriving. Once men become more mature, they value cooperation and bonding more. This fact is what Pranjal Mehta, a social psychologist, said. Various studies agree with this because competition and one-upping each other don't hold much of an appeal for older men.
So, don't completely worry if he's not trying to compete for your attention, especially if he's more of the mature type. There could still be other signs your crush likes you. Yes! When men are older and more mature, they pay more attention to building relationships rather than competing for them.
This change could be because of the slow and natural decline of testosterone in men as they age. So, when a man has more testosterone, They prefer competing, and they excel at it!
3. Men Are Inherent Providers.

via: Unsplash / Carly Rae Hobbins
I know some women wouldn't agree, but men focus on providing for their families. Only, this change happens after men hit the age of 30. A study published in Proceedings of The Royal Society found that infidelities are most likely to occur in men before 30. However, after that, men want nothing more than to focus on providing for the families that they have made.
Of course, you can't always use this fact to screen your potential partner. You still have to look for the signs a boy likes you and try to make any guy chase you with your assets.
However, don't be too confident that someone will change after 30. You still deserve respect. So you need to know how to know if a boy likes you even though they might not be as mature as a 30-year-old man yet.
This psychological fact shows that those men who get married and choose to settle down by 30 find themselves and their partners in a happier relationship.
2. Men Protect What's Theirs.

via: Unsplash / Taylor Harding
If you want to know how to get a boyfriend, you have to understand men deeper. One of the most important facts about boys you need to know is that they defend their turf. Evolutionary-speaking, it has always been a part of our job to protect their turf.
There aren't many studies on humans, but for most male mammals, their "defend my territory" area in the brain is comparably larger than their female counterparts. Sure, we women can be possessive, too. Right? But men are actually on a much deeper level than we are. They're more likely to be aggressive when they feel like their relationships or possessions are being threatened.
It's really in their nature. So, don't think that men are plain possessive. That's not how to impress a guy. It would be best if you understood that it's a part of them. When they're being possessive, they value what they're defending. They'll do everything to ensure that their relationships or territory aren't being taken away from them.
Please don't take it so badly. Most of us really can't help it. But of course, never tolerate it when a man is taking possessiveness too far. You have to know when it's too much.
1. Men Are Solution-Finders.

via: Unsplash / Woody Kelly
If you want to know how to get a boyfriend, you have to understand men deeper. One of the most important facts about boys you need to know is that they defend their turf. Evolutionary-speaking, it has always been a part of our job to protect their turf.
There aren't many studies on humans, but for most male mammals, their "defend my territory" area in The brain is comparably larger than their female counterparts. Sure, we women can be possessive, too. Right? But men are actually on a much deeper level than we are. They're more likely to be aggressive when they feel like their relationships or possessions are being threatened.
It's really in their nature. So, don't think that men are plain possessive. That's not how to impress a guy. It would be best if you understood that it's a part of them. When they're being possessive, they value what they're defending. They'll do everything to ensure that their relationships or territory aren't being taken away from them.
Please don't take it so badly. Most of us really can't help it. But of course, never tolerate it when a man is taking possessiveness too far. You have to know when it's too much.

via: Galtelligence
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One Myth About How Men’s Brains Work That You Should Stop Believing

via: Unsplash / leah hetteberg
There are a lot of psychological myths that have been debunked, but this one is still widely believed. The myth that you should stop believing is that men can't multitask as women do.
In reality, no human brain can multitask and still maintain the same quality of output. No brain, whether a man or woman's, can perform better when doing more than one thing at a time.
We only end up doing each task with less focus as compared to doing them one by one. So, stop believing that men can't multitask because no person can multitask effectively. We should learn to train ourselves to focus on one thing at a time instead.
In Conclusion
Make sure to use these facts about boys you need to know to get any guy you want. Make them chase you with some tricks up your sleeves, too!
Did we miss any other facts about boys you need to know? Share any facts about boys that you already know in the comments below! Be generous, ladies!